Move Your Body

Phew! The 75 days of January are finally over. The question is “have you stuck to your resolution of moving your body more?” Listen, zero judgement here. And to hold true to my mantra of “messy action” for the year, I’ve done exactly that…messy action when it came to exercise as well.

We start the year off with our annual New Year’s Day hike with our family and this year we did Stone Mountain here in GA. Since then, I’ve done a combination of walking, strength training, yoga, Pilates, and barre. The goal I’m aiming for is to do something for 5 days a week, with at least 3 sweaty workouts each week.

We know that getting regular exercise is good for your brain, body, and mind. So let’s chat about how to stay consistent and motivated to keep up with it all year through.

  1. Keep your intention at the forefront.

    • Want to get in shape and build muscle? Boost confidence and feel better and stronger? Meet a specific goal or milestone?

    • Keep your desired goal in mind and focus on it as you put your workout gear on.

    • Choose a mantra that can keep you motivated on the tougher days.

  2. Listen to your body.

    • It is important to listen to the feedback your body is giving you in response to the exercise you are doing.

    • Over-training can cause more damage than good, and will lead to overexertion, fatigue, and ultimately injury that can be avoided.

    • Challenge yourself within perimeters of what your body can handle. And also rest as needed.

    • Be kind to yourself. Use loving language as you work through the early stages of growth.

  3. Rest as needed.

    • Your body needs to rest to actually integrate the movement you have been doing and it also needs rest to repair from every day life and exercise.

    • Schedule an active recovery day to slow down a bit and recuperate. Choose a day where you add walking, slower movement like yoga and stretching, or even a breathing practice.

    • Make sure you maintain your regular chiropractic schedule as well to keep you well supported and balanced along the way.

  4. Mix it up.

    • Create a balance with your workouts because it is not sustainable to do super hard every day of the week. So do a hard day of weights, follow it with a core and cardio day, and then slow it down with yoga, and then kick it back up with interval training. Pick a variation that works best for you.

    • Doing a variety of workouts is a great way to create muscle confusion which is a great way to keep the brain and body properly engaged in the movement as well.

    • If you are pregnant or have given birth recently, let’s chat with Dr. Brittany for a pelvic floor consultation to make sure you are using your abdomen and pelvic floor appropriately.

  5. Nourish your body well.

    • Don’t forget to feed your body appropriately to help build the body from the inside out.

    • Increase your protein intake as well as add additional fat and complex carbs to accommodate how your body is changing with the exercise.

    • Also, don’t forget to increase your hydration, with additional electrolytes because you will be breaking a sweat.

    • Consider smart supplementation to help enhance your performance with bio-available turmeric and other anti-inflammatory products, collagen, and more.

I hope this is a helpful approach to living your wellness lifestyle and moving your body in a fun and productive way. I am here to cheer you on! Tell me your favorite ways to move your body below.

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