Your Voice Matters: Story of Joining Beautycounter

Your Voice Matters: Story of Joining Beautycounter

So I have some BIG news, like, HUGE! And I can't wait to tell you about it. It's also a bit time sensitive!

You know I'm wild about Beautycounter's mission of getting safer products into the hands of everyone. And what is even more exciting is that we also have an opportunity to build a financially rewarding business out of it while making a significant social impact. How awesome is that?!

So in all my excitement, I want to tell you about this BIG deal because Beautycounter is giving away over $400 of products to anyone who updates to consultant status during the month of June. The products are our brand-new, age-defying skin-care line that is a safer answer to retinol, and it's the biggest launch Beautycounter has released to date. Plus it is the debut of our updated packaging initiative for increased sustainability.

If you have been curious about Beautycounter as a side hustle, now is the time and I would love to chat with you about the details to see how you can fit it into your life. Some people join just for the amazing discounts on our high-performing & safer products. Others join as a hobby and their passion for wellness. And then others join and make a full-time job out of it. There are endless reasons that drive the passion of Beautycounter advocates to do this important work. But our first and foremost goal is under the unified mission of getting safer products into hands of everyone.

On a personal level, the biggest take away for me has been meeting other passionate people near and far who want to make a difference in the world, nut just for ourselves (which is important), but also for our children and future generations. Sounds like an ambitious and lofty goal, right?! But that is exactly what we are doing when we choose better, safer products in our household and share that message with people we love. And doing this work has made me be more fearless, which for me has meant that even when I'm scared, I am still going to go for it, stepping outside of my comfort zone and adding my voice into the mix.

Beautycounter is based on the 3 pillars (education, formulations aka high-performing & safer products, and advocacy) to support our mission. So I invite you to reach outside of your comfort zone, make your voice heard, and make a difference alongside me and over 40,000 women and men that are part of the #betterbeauty movement. How amazing would that be!

I am happy to share more details with you. Feel free to contact me here or at 770.609.5544.


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